eTB Austrian Geocoin
Zuletzt aktualisiert:
16 March 2021 08:21.

About this Item:

Ich bin ein Linz*-Herz und als Doppelgänger / Double für die
Länder Micro Coin "Austria II" meines Teams unterwegs. - *) Linz
a.d. Donau = Landeshauptstadt des österreichischen Bundeslandes
I am a Linz*-Heart and I travel as a double for the
Country Flag Micro Coin "Austria II" of my team. - *) Linz at the
Danube River = Provincial capital of Upper Austria.
Soy un Corazon de Linz* y viajo representante de la Bandera Geocoin
"Austria II" de mi
equipo. - *) Linz á Danubio = Capital de la provinicia Austria Alta.
About this coin:
This Austrian Flag Micro Geocoin is part of the Groundspeak's
series Country Micro Geocoins. These coins measure just under 1
inch in diameter and feature the flags of various nations. The
back side features the official geocache logo. Perfect for
fitting also into smaller caches.
There are currently (as of January 2016) the following countries
available: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic,
Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, United
Kingdom, United States, Slovakia, South Africa, Sweden.
Diese Initiativen unterstützen wir:

Geocaching Etikette 201: Finden & Loggen - So loggst Du richtig!

Werbung im Briefkasten

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Michelberg |
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© MMXV-MMXXI LosTresViajeros
| Letztes Update: 03-03-2021.

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»Wer glücklich reisen will, reise mit leichtem
Gepäck.« Antoine
de Saint-Exupery

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