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> Sportpsychologie |
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Sportpsychologie Broschiert - Meyer & Meyer Sport
Psychology in Practice Sprache: Englisch Aimed at undergraduate sport psychology courses and as a professional reference for coaches and clinical psychologists dealing with athletes. Focuses on many fundamental issues in the sport psychology field, including developing a consultant-client relationship, connecting with teams and coaches, and learning to provide efficient services to diverse clientele. Provides a starting point for discussion among students new to the field, as well as experienced practitioners as to how the field of sport psychology should evolve and what issues should continue to be debated. Covers important contemporary issues such as performance anxiety, body image, eating disorders, injuries, alcohol, violence, team communication and homophobia in sport. |
Sport Psychology: Four Perspectives Sprache: Englisch Aimed at students, researchers and practitioners in sport psychology, as well as coaches and athletes. An accomplished researcher and consultant provide the background in each chapter by summarising research, tools and current debates. Throughout each chapter, an elite coach and athlete offer practical observations on psychological techniques. Covers the five psychological areas considered to have the most influence on athletic performance: motivation, confidence, intensity, focus and emotions. Examines the value of psychological assessment in athletic preparation and performance. Discusses the serious psychological challenges posed by injuries, eating disorders, substance abuse and career transition. Integrates research findings with practical experience to provide an overview of intervention knowledge and strategies aimed at enhancing sport performance. |
Sport Psychology Personal Growth to Peak Performance Sprache: Englisch
Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport Sprache: Englisch
Approaches to Sport and Exercise Psychology Sprache: Englisch The book is a collection of the keynote addresses of the 11th European Congress of Sport Psychology in Copenhagen, July 2003, including three further articles, one from the president of the congress, Reinhard Stelter, one from the winner of the Young Researchers award, and one from the new president of FEPSAC. The 450 congress participants showed great interest in the speeches. They are not published anywhere else. The editors regard the article as an important contribution to the future development of sport and exercise psychology |
in die Sportpsychologie, Bd.1, Grundthemen Broschiert - Hofmann, Schorndorf Kundenrezension: |
Moments During Competition: A Mind-Body Model of Sport Performance When
It Counts the Most Sprache: Englisch This book presents first-time research findings and new empirically-based perspectives and applications in sport psychology. |
Psychology Theories, Applications and Issues Broschiert - 344 Seiten - Jacaranda Wiley,Australia Suitable for psychology of sport courses in departments of physical education and social science, this text contains a number of essays relating current research in sports psychology and its application to a number of sporting fields. |
Psychology: Contemporary Themes Sprache: Englisch "Sport Psychology" presents an accessible overview of research and debate in the psychology of sport and exercise. Combining important theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence, it uses sporting examples to explain concepts and applications in a clear and engaging way. The history, background and theory of each topic is discussed, before putting theory into practice through the use of case studies and practical examples. |
and Exercise Psychology: A Critical Introduction Sprache: Englisch The first textbook to combine an explanation of the theoretical foundations of sport psychology, critical reviews of contemporary research and practical suggestions for relevant independent research projects. |
des Sports Broschiert - Hogrefe-Verlag
Psychology: From Theory to Practice Sprache: Englisch This applied sport psychology text is based on credible, published research. Sport examples from media publications and from the author's own experiences as a sport psychologist nurture the connection between the professional literature and real-life sport experiences. |
in Sports Psychology Sprache: Englisch
in Practice: Sport Sprache: Englisch "Psychology in Practice" is a six-part series on the practical applications of psychology to areas of everyday life, covering crime, education, health, sport, organizations and the environment. Each book in the series examines one unit of the applications of psychology section of the OCR syllabus. Sport is becoming an important part of out daily lives, from recreation, education and healthy living. Media coverage of sporting events and celebrities is widespread and raises questions about the psychology of sport. This work explores issues of leadership, coaching, aggression and social influence within the field of sport. This study guides students through the perspectives, methodology and ethical issues involved in sport. |
in die Sportpsychologie, Bd.2, Anwendungsfelder Broschiert - Hofmann, Schorndorf Kundenrezension: |
Foundations of Sport Sprache: Englisch Twenty-five specialists from the field of sports psychology contribute 26 chapters to this text for undergraduate students in sport psychology courses, which may also appeal to graduate students and fellow professionals in the field. The text combines information from both basic and applied sources, from sport psychology and psychology. |
Fans: The Psychology and Social Impact of Spectators Sprache: Englisch Have you ever wondered why people spend hours watching sports? Memorizing statistics? Driving for hours to attend away games? Painting their bodies with team colours? Screaming directions and encouragement as if their team can hear them? Sport Fans answers these questions and more. This captivating book provides an overview and analysis of sport fans, examining the role played by and the impact of sport in the lives of sport fans and spectators, and the importance of sport for society at large. |
für alle Broschiert - Meyer & Meyer Sport Facettenreich will die kleine Fibel sportpsychologische Erkenntnisse
einem breiten Leserkreis sportinteressierter Menschen beider
Geschlechter und aller Altersgruppen nahe bringen. - Wer Sport treibt,
wählt eine Sportart aus, die ihm Spaß macht oder von der er annimmt,
dass sie ihm hilft, zu mehr Kraft, Schnelligkeit, Ausdauer oder
Gewandtheit zu kommen. Der Sporttreibende denkt also zuerst an seinen
Körper, die Stärkung seines körperlichen Wohlbefindens und die
Festigung seiner Gesundheit. Spätestens jedoch, wenn er sich beim Üben
und Trainieren anstrengen muss, wenn Schwierigkeiten zu bewältigen sind
oder wenn er Bewegungsfehler zu korrigieren hat, merkt er, dass zum
aktiven Sporttreiben mehr gehört als die Beherrschung seines Körpers
bzw. die Ausbildung seiner körperlichen Fähigkeiten und
Bewegungstechniken. Er benötigt Wissen darüber, was für ihn in seiner
Sportart richtig oder falsch ist, er braucht Ziele und Motive, um mit
auftretenden Problemen und Schwierigkeiten im Training und Wettkampf
fertig zu werden, er sollte einen ihm nützlichen Rhythmus von Belastung
und Erholung lernen und psychophysische Zustände, etwas Ärger, Zorn
und Wut, die immer wieder im Sport auftreten, beherrschen lernen. |
of Sport Psychology Sprache: Englisch Competitive sports demand as much discipline and training of the mind as they do of the body. Sport psychologists, coaches, and athletes are constantly searching for new and effective approaches to pain management, exercise psychology, building self confidence, and measuring progress. |
Sport Psychology Sprache: Englisch This graduate text examines examples of sport psychologists at work to teach readers how to use their knowledge of sport psychology effectively and efficiently. |
in die Soziologie des Sports Broschiert - Hofmann, Schorndorf
Psychology of Concentration in Sport Performers: A Cognitive Analysis Sprache: Englisch This text explores the attentional processes of athletes using a theoretical framework derived from contemporary cognitive psychology. |
Sociology of Sport Sprache: Englisch
in die Sportpsychologie Broschiert - Hogrefe-Verlag Die Sportpsychologie ist eine noch recht junge wissenschaftliche Disziplin, die lange um ihre Selbständigkeit als Teilgebiet der Angewandten Psychologie und der Sportwissenschaft zu ringen hatte. Die aus der Sportpraxis an die herangetragenen Probleme sind sehr vielfältig und nehmen von Jahr zu Jahr zu. Der Zweck dieser Einführung, die jetzt in zweiter, überarbeiteter und ergänzter Auflage vorliegt, besteht darin, Sportlehrern, Studenten der Sportwissenschaft und der Psychologie, Trainern und Sportlern ein Verständnis für psychische Prozesse im Sport zu vermitteln und den Blick dafür zu schärfen, wie sich im Sport auftretende Probleme mit Hilfe psychologischer Erkenntnisse lösen lassen. |
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