Das sind wir - Postcrossing

Zuletzt aktualisiert:
09 Mai 2023 08:16.
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Unser Profil auf postcrossing.com sieht so aus:

Dear visitor,
we started as a family of three, thus our profile name "three
travellers" en español. In the meanwhile only Klemens (now 10
yrs old; best understands German & Spanish) and Arno (Papa) are
continuing in this passion.
Which postcards would we like to receive?
In general any type of postcards other than seasonal and
birthday greeting cards are appreciated. However, if you manage
to find some of the following types listed below, hurraaahh!!
= Klemens: Football, Star Wars, and if exist: Clash of Clans.
= Arno: Railways, or a typical sight from your city.
Thank you in advance for the lovely cards you send!
Muchisimas gracias.
Vielen, vielen Dank.
Klemens & Arno
P.S.: Since Oct. 2015 we are also passionate *Geocachers*; click
here to find out more: http://bit.do/lostresviajeros . You can
also discover us here (tracking code somewhere hidden here ;) ):
P.P.S.: Thanks to Claudia from Leipzig, Germany we learned about
the following project which I highly reccomend to you - what a
heart warming idea! Please do also consider to send a card to
one of these children, too:
Send Kids The World
Postcards for kids with life threatening illnesses
Send Kids the World features kids with life threatening
illnesses and injuries and enables you to reach out to them and
send them encouraging postcards from all around the world.


»Wer glücklich reisen will, reise mit leichtem
Gepäck.« Antoine
de Saint-Exupery

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