Zuletzt aktualisiert:
09 Mai 2023 08:13.
Munzee is a real world scavenger hunt where you are rewarded for
finding and capturing hidden items. They can be found all over
including your favorite parks, businesses and more.
be rewarded, you MUST capture a munzee using the Munzee app for
your iOS or Android Device. You can download the app here:
http://www.munzee.com/apps . Next up, visit the Hunt
screen in the app to find the closest munzees to you or browse
our web map at
http://www.munzee.com/map . Want to help grow the map?
Deploy your own munzees in your community for other players to
capture! Helpful Links:

Kontakt |
»Wer glücklich reisen will, reise mit leichtem
Gepäck.« Antoine
de Saint-Exupery

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