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> Über Lance Armstrong :: Biographisches |
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Days in July: Inside Lance Armstrong's Record-breaking Victory in the Tour
De France Sprache: Englisch The inside story of the 2004 Tour de France and Lance Armstrong's record-breaking sixth victory. For twenty-three days in July 2004, an enthralled global audience watched Lance Armstrong battle to victory in the Tour de France. Armstrong had pledged to win a record-breaking sixth consecutive Tour; a feat no one had achieved in the event's 100-year lifetime. But with stiff competition from Jan 'the Kaiser' Ullrich and others his success was by no means guaranteed. The resulting Tour was riveting as, following a nervous opening week of multiple crashes, Armstrong bulldozed his way to the lead. But the American cyclist is no stranger to single-minded determination. After being diagnosed with cancer in 1996, it took only 518 days before he was back racing, revealing the mental resources that make him a cycling legend. Veteran cycling writer John Wilcockson uses his intimate knowledge of the participants and interviews with the major players to tell the human side of the Tour from the perspective of the principal contenders. His vivid description of life inside the most challenging and popular sports event in the world draws on an unparalleled knowledge of the Tour. |
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Armstrong: Tour De Force Sprache: Englisch Famous for his bravery in conquering cancer to become a champion again, cyclist Lance Armstrong rewrote the record books again in 2004 when he won the Tour de France for a sixth time. This book follows his progress, and those of his rivals, throughout a fascinating season of racing. The world's most challenging athletic endeavour is also one of the biggest and most popular annual sports events in the world. The 2004 race witnessed Texan Lance Armstrong clinch his sixth Tour de France victory -- something that no other rider has achieved in the event's 100-year history. This book will look into the unprecedented build up to the Tour, focusing on Armstrong's season and on the physical and mental limits of endurance through which he forced himself. Starting off in February when he made his annual move to Girona in Spain where preparation for the Tour becomes all-consuming, all the details of his hyper-masochistic training regime will be unveiled, from sleeping in an altitude tent to the miles of gruelling time in the saddle, often riding through the pain barrier. We see Armstrong operating at the turbulent centre of a fast-orbiting cast of Belgian tough-guys, controversial Italian sports doctors, New Age healers, attack-dog lawyers, obsessed fans, and jittery corporations (not to mention his girlfriend, the rock star Sheryl Crow). We see the subtle mind games he plays with his U.S. Postal Team, his opponents, and himself. We see him through the eyes of competitors and his close circle of friends, and his powerful relationship with his mother Linda is explored. We see what happens three weeks before the Tour, when Armstrong is faced with a double challenge: a blowout defeat in an important race and the release of a potentially devastating book about his alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs. And finally we'll see it all culminate in the Tour de France, the hardest sports event on the planet, where Armstrong will rise to new and unprecedented levels of domination. Above all, Armstrong's motivational strengths and burning desire to achieve will be the focus of a book that celebrates a unique sporting phenomenon. It promises to be a fascinating inside look at history in the making and the colourful world of pro cycling. |
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Armstrong's War: One Man's Battle Against Fate, Fame, Love, Death,
Scandal, and a Few Other Rivals on the Road to the Tour de France Sprache: Englisch When an athlete is as celebrated as Lance Armstrong, journalists tend to approach either with staggering awe or malicious schadenfreude. Refreshingly, Coyle (Hardball) displays neither. The journalist moved to Armstrong's training base in Spain to cover the months leading up to the cyclist's sixth Tour de France victory in 2004, and the resulting comfort level of Coyle with his subject is palpable. Armstrong emerges from these pages as neither the cancer-surviving saint his American fans admire, nor the soulless, imperialist machine his European detractors hate. Instead, he comes across as a preternaturally gifted athlete barely removed from the death-defying hellion he was as a teenager, fanatically disciplined, gregarious and generous but with a legendarily icy temper. Coyle sweeps over the basics of Armstrong's Texas childhood and fight with cancer, concentrating on his obsessive training - this is a sport where results are measured in ounces and microseconds. He's sometimes too loose with his writing, digressing as though he had all the time in the world, but he tightens up for the grand finale: the Tour. This work is honest, personal and passionate, with plenty to chew on for fans and novices alike. |
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Mountain High Enough: Raising Lance, Raising Me Sprache: Englisch A memoir written by a famous athlete's mother may seem like a blatant attempt to cash in on yet another aspect of the athlete's celebrity. Yet Kelly, mother of six-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, has managed to turn out an honest, fun and engaging account of her life. For the most part, this is Kelly's story, in which Lance plays a key supporting role. Kelly painstakingly recounts her 1960s Texas childhood with a poor mother who moved the family (sans Kelly's father, who abandoned them) from one lousy apartment to the next. Though self-sufficient - she landed a job at a KFC when she was only 13 - Kelly was thrown for a loop when she unexpectedly became pregnant (with Lance) as a junior in high school. She made the most of her limited circumstances, raising Lance alone. They'd eat mac and cheese and play silly games at home instead of going out to the movies; they got used to "stumbling and getting up again." Kelly relates their trials - as well as the string of less-than-perfect boyfriends and husbands she went through - in a winningly homey and self-teasing manner. Not surprisingly, when the issue of Lance's cancer arises later in the book and mother and son endure brutal rounds of chemotherapy, readers' heartstrings get thoroughly strummed, though not unnecessarily so. This is a sincerely heartwarming tale, laced with true Texas grit. |
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Ullrich & Lance Armstrong. Das Duell von Sebastian Moll, Alexander Heflik Gebundene Ausgabe - 144 Seiten - Covadonga » Ein schöner Schmöker für jene, deren Interesse am Radsport über das blanke Ergebnis in Stunden und Sekunden hinausreicht. « Tour 07/2004 » Ein das Branchenübliche weit überragender Essay. « Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 1. Juli 2004 Texas vs. Rostock: Im Juli 2003 hielt die sportbegeisterte Welt den Atem an: Lance Armstrong und Jan Ullrich lieferten sich in den steilen Rampen des Hochgebirges und auf regennassen Zeitfahrstrecken ein Duell der Extraklasse und machten die Tour de France so spannend wie seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr. 3.426 Kilometer lang fuhren sie Reifen an Reifen, ohne einander auch nur einen Zentimeter preiszugeben. Ganze 15 Sekunden trennten die beiden vor der schweren Pyrenäenetappe nach Luz-Ardiden, die erst den Favoriten Armstrong kurzzeitig am Boden sah und dann von dessen Widersacher eine große Geste des modernen Sports. Nichts macht den Sport aufregender als echte Zweikämpfe - Mann gegen Mann, Angesicht zu Angesicht. Warum aber ist das so? Warum lassen sich Millionen rund um den Erdball immer wieder in den Bann sportlicher Duelle ziehen? Dieser Frage gehen die beiden Sportjournalisten Sebastian Moll und Alexander Heflik in ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Buch auf den Grund - am Beispiel von Lance Armstrong und Jan Ullrich, den beiden überlegenen Radsportlern unserer Generation. Moll und Heflik schlagen den Boden von der an Zweikämpfen so reichen griechischen Mythologie zu den Ringschlachten des Muhammed Ali und dem sportlichen Showdown der Systeme in Zeiten des Kalten Krieges. Sie lassen all die großen Duelle grundverschiedener Charaktere wiederaufleben, die der Tour de France ihren Stempel aufgedrückt haben: Fausto Coppi gegen Gino Bartali, Jacques Anquetil gegen Raymond Poulidor, Bernard Hinault mit und doch gegen Greg LeMond... - Vor allem aber widmen sich Moll und Heflik der stets von großem gegenseitigen Respekt geprägten Rivalität zwischen Armstrong und Ullrich. Sie schildern den so unterschiedlichen Werdegang der beiden Protagonisten, der sie zu beinahe idealtypischen Vertretern ihrer jeweiligen Systeme werden ließ. Dort die »Ich-AG Armstrong«. Der perfektionistische Arbeiter aus der texanischen Kleinstadt, der schon mit 16 Profi wird und nach seiner Krebserkrankung den eigenen Erfolg plant selbstbestimmt bis zur Egomanie. Hier der »VEB Ullrich«. Das lange bevormundete Ausnahmetalent, das an der Erwartungshaltung einer ganzen Nation zu scheitern droht, mit Übergewicht und Eskapaden negative Schlagzeilen macht, bevor es im Juli 2003 als der »neue Ullrich« wiederaufersteht. Im Zentrum dieses reich bebilderten Buches im Großformat stehen die bisher drei Auseinandersetzungen auf der wichtigsten Bühne, die der Radsport bietet: Die Tour de France 2000, bei der Armstrong beweist, dass sein Vorjahressieg kein einmaliges Mirakel war, während Jan Ullrich zu ahnen beginnt, dass mit Talent allein das größte Radrennen der Welt nicht zu gewinnen ist. Die Tour 2001, die erneut von Armstrong dominiert wird und Ullrich in eine Lebenskrise stürzt. Die Tour 2003, die zu der spannendsten seit vielen Jahren avanciert, weil Seriensieger Armstrong Nachlässigkeiten zeigt, während Ullrich zu alter Klasse zurückfindet. Im Reportagestil zeichnen Moll und Heflik die Dramaturgie dieser drei Frankreich-Rundfahrten nach und wecken Erinnerungen an viele denkenswerte Etappen, Attacken und Gesten. |
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Armstrong: Historic Six-Time Tour de France Champion Sprache: Englisch
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Armstrong Sprache: Englisch Photo-biography of the five-time Tour de France winner collecting
together images of both the race and Armstrong's private life.
Accompanying the photographic portfolio is Armstrong's amazing story, in
his own words including his battle with testicular cancer. 250 colour
images. |
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Armstrong: Images of a Champion Sprache: Englisch Kundenrezension: Tolle Bilder aus der Karriere vom Lance Armstrong - Zwar fand ich den Preis zunächst etwas zu hoch, aber als großer Lance Armstrong Fan musste ich mir dieses Buch dennoch unbedingt kaufen. Ich kann nur sagen: Es hat sich gelohnt und das Buch ist sein Geld absolut wert. Man findet Bilder, die zum Teil auch schon in den von Armstrong mit Sally Jenkins geschriebenen Büchern zu finden waren, die große Mehrheit der Photos ist aber neu, und einige waren zuvor sogar unveröffentlicht. Die Fülle von Bildern zeigt Lance Armstrong bei seinen ersten fünf Tour de France Erfolgen, auf Reisen, aber zum Beispiel auch in seinem ersten eigenen Apartment in Texas. - Für Lance Armstrong Fans und all diejenigen, die einen Einblick in das Leben der Ratsportlegende Armstrong haben wollen, ist dieses Buch ein absolutes Muss! |
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Significant Other: Riding the Centenary Tour de France with Lance
Armstrong Sprache: Englisch In 2003 Lance Armstrong won the Centenary Tour de France. It was his fifth victory and has cemented his position as one of the greatest cyclists of all time. This is the story of the 2003 Tour through the eyes of Lance's right-hand rider, the Colombian Victor Hugo Pena (who himself became the first Colombian to wear the yellow jersey during the race). Behind every great cyclist is a close-knit team of 'domestiques', world class cyclists who eschew individual glory to ensure their star rider wins. Pena was handpicked by Armstrong and is uniquely placed to provide an insight into what it takes to stay at the top of this most gruelling of sports. By deconstructing the myth of the Tour de France, and revealing the true role of the domestique for the first time, A Significant Other will be a classic sports book. |
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Sprache: Englisch In October 1996, at age 25, Armstrong, world-class cyclist, found out that he had testicular and lung cancer. A week later he discovered his cancer had spread to his brain. To make matters worse, he had no medical insurance. Through the help of some good friends and fans, he received excellent medical treatment and insurance coverage. Garcia outlines Armstrong's early life, and describes how even as a youngster he used his family problems to fuel his competitive spirit. Black-and-white photos are scattered throughout the text. The book may raise questions among young readers concerning such topics as testicular cancer-its causes, treatments, tests, etc. Some of the details concerning Armstrong's biological father, his adopted father's extramarital affairs, and his grandfather's drinking problem seem unnecessary. Still, this is a well-written account of a young man overcoming great odds and succeeding. |
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Sprache: Englisch
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Sprache: Englisch This biography of the first person to win six Tour de France races only touches on the most well-known facts about Armstrong's life. In simple, large-print text, Donovan briefly recounts the subject's childhood with a single mom and early victories as a teen triathlete. The author mentions Armstrong's decision to focus on cycling and his 14th-place finish in the 1992 Olympics. The main focus is on his professional bicycling career. Donovan emphasizes the fact that although Armstrong has had repeated setbacks - the largest being his bout with cancer - he has never given up. The text is unabashedly laudatory, and the uncluttered page layout and full-color photos are appealing. The further-reading list has some useful resources, but one of the Web sites requires a paid subscription. This is an adequate source for collections needing to update their Armstrong offerings. Lance Armstrong: The Race of His Life (Penguin, 2000), written by Armstrong's wife, Kristin (now divorced), gives a more personal look at his life and struggles. Although outdated, it is still a good choice for fans interested in an insider's view. |
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