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Über Motivation.

Ein Mensch darf nie aufhören zu träumen. Der Traum ist für die Seele, was Nahrung für den Körper bedeutet. Paulo Coelho

8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

_8 Things


Drei Tipps, um Scheitern zu einem Erfolg zu machen:

1.) Schäme dich nicht für dein Scheitern: „Ich bin nicht gescheitert, ich habe nur Tausende von Möglichkeiten probiert, die nicht funktioniert haben.“ Thomas Alva Edison

2.) Sei mutig und gestehe deine Fehler ein: „Ein Unternehmen kann nur Höchstleistungen bringen, wenn aus Fehlern gelernt wird.“ Michael Frese, Psychologe

3.) Erkenne Fehler als Chance und verwandle sie in einen Erfolg: „Jeder Peinlichkeit wohnt eine Erleuchtung inne.“ Hans Magnus Enzensberger


Procrastination 101 - Don't do it Now, Put it on Your List

Read on to find the BEST hint about this I have ever heard ......

If you are really well organised, get things done in a timely manner, and do NOT have a huge undoable list called: "LIST OF THINGS TO DO", then don't waste your time reading this.

Procrastination.........I am really well qualified to write on this topic, because I have been known to not only have a list of things to do, but in that same list I have even written ' 'read this list'. I mean to say .......

I am happy to report that I am getting over this 'List Addiction'

If this strikes a cord with you, then I have discovered the best hint ever. I am not kidding; this has really helped me....

Procrastinate no longer.

We are nearly all aware these days of the importance of goal setting. Surely you have read about the Harvard study of a class of young men, a generation ago now. Some of whom wrote very clear goals, and some of them didn't. I don't think I need to spell out the outcome 40 years later....

So you probably have goals, I hope you do; and have even written them down. We know that goal setting and being very focused about our dream is crucial. But while you are busy, busy with a list of 'Things To Do', a list often of trivial things, you are not really focussing at all.

So the BEST hint for Procrastinators? This is it. From today's list of things to do...PRIORITISE, look at those tasks and put them in order of importance. Start with Number 1 and do it until it is done. Then and only then can you allow yourself to move on to Number 2.

Prioritise...what does that really mean? It means put at the top of the list the MOST IMPORTANT things that will lead you towards your goal.

And all those silly little tasks you put on your list that are easy to do, and that don't move you directly towards our goal, down to the bottom of the list they go. It means things like, don't go checking your emails every 5 minutes to see if something new has arrived, no nipping out for a coffee every so often, instead of doing another task.

It means doing the important things and NOT the 'urgent things'. It means not jumping to fill in a survey that was sent to you, or fixing up something for the person who shouts the loudest. It means not putting off something that seems a bit uncomfortable...Just GET ON WITH IT. Once you start, then you will see what the next step will be.

Bonus Hint Number 2 If there is a 2 minute job (or less) that pops up...DO IT NOW. That's it, that's all. Don't put it on the list to look at over and over again. Just get it out of the way now, and out of your head so that it doesn't take up valuable space.

Now you will have some time to really work on getting clear about your goals.



Winsome Coutts is co-owner of Global Secrets International and writes stories and articles for personal development, The Law of Attraction and The Secret Movie. Visit her website for heaps of info, free downloads & self-help tools. https://www.the-secret-dvd.net/





The Royal Wedding ~ Official Programme


The Secret to Overcoming the Five Biggest Time Wasters of All

The time you waste will drain you of your energies and your profits in this high-charged era of work and life. Here's how to take fast action to overcome the five top ways we waste our time.


Why? Checking your e-mail the very first thing in the morning takes you off track. The nature of those e-mails also may serve to increase your anxiety and stress.


Check your e-mail an hour or more AFTER you start your day to keep you on track. At that point, you'll be well into your Action Items and can more easily prioritize those emails into your day's plan.


Why? The more often you answer your cell phone or check to see who has called during your day, the more behind you become at work.


Keep your cell phone off during the day, checking it only at a scheduled time you control, to get back your working plan. Ditto for the weekends, so that you can truly relax.


Why? Staying busy, but not devoting time to thinking and planning, can leave you feeling disorganized and out of control, and bring your stress levels to the boiling point.


Schedule at least 5-10 minutes each day to STOP, THINK, PLAN and then EXECUTE. When you feel overwhelmed, ask yourself, "What is the Best Use of My Time Right Now?" Write it down and then stick with your written plan.


Why? Exercise provides oxygen to you brain to help you think more clearly and more creatively. Leaving no time for exercise drains your brainpower, as well as your energies.


Deep Breath. Exercise. Deep Breath. Stretch. Deep Breath. Take a quick walk. Schedule time each day to exercise, and leave your cell phone off to avoid interruptions.


Why? If you're not taking advantage of your PEAK ENERGY TIME, you are wasting time and energy.


If you're a morning person, then that's your peak energy time. If it's afternoons, then afternoon's are your peak energy time. Do those activities that require the most concentration during whichever peak energy time is your preference. That is when you feel most energized. Do low-energy tasks at other times.


5 timewasters 


Always appreciate fresh new marketing and branding tips to drive your business several steps forward? Tap Ruth Klein's expertise at trend tracking, time saving advice with advice that can grow your business. https://tinyurl.com/2dopf6


» Gegen die Infamitäten des Lebens sind die besten Waffen: Tapferkeit, Eigensinn und Geduld.
Die Tapferkeit stärkt, der Eigensinn macht Spaß und die Geduld gibt Ruhe. «

» Ein Haus ohne Bücher ist arm, auch wenn schöne Teppiche seinen Boden und kostbare Tapeten und Bilder die Wände bedecken. « Hermann Hesse
» Was wirklichg die Motivationssysteme im menschlichen Gehirn anfeuert, ist die Aufmerksamkeit anderer, ihr Interesse, ihre Sympathie. Ein Unternehmer ist also gut beraten, wenn er seinen Mitarbeitern oft in die Augen schaut. Dann muß er ihnen nicht so oft in die Finger schauen. « Reinhard K. Sprenger  » Wenn du ein Kind siehst, hast du Gott auf frischer Tat ertappt. «
Martin Luther
 » Nimm' Dir Zeit zum Träumen - es bringt Dich den Sternen näher. «  » Kein Mensch kann tausend Tage glücklich sein, keine Blume vermag hundert Tage zu blühen. «
Aus China
 » Hab' Sonne im Herzen, wenn es kalt ist und schneit; bald kommt auch wieder die schöne Zeit! « Zitate über Frauen

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